Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Not too happy...

I haven't lost an ounce since my last post. I am still exercizing daily and eating the right foods in the right amounts (not counting Sundays at Moms!) I am quite discouraged and can't help but feel like what's the point. As much as I just want to crawl into a dark hole and feel sorry for myself I know I have to keep pushing foward. I need to focus on the positives, like, I haven't gained any weight, and I no longer weigh over 300 pounds. I do notice that my cloths are much looser so thats a good feeling! Well I will just keep focusing on these good points and let it fuel me for a couple more days. Next week will be great I look foward to reporting some weight loss..

1 comment:

  1. Feb has been discouraging for me too. When ever I get sick it throws me off track....bad! So I'm feeling better now, time to start it up again!!!
